Tuesday, July 31, 2007

So You've Worked Out For A Month And Have Nothing To Show For It:: Big Deal?

Alright guys, it's been just about a month. I've been eating less, I've been working out more, and what do I have to show for it? Basically less money because I have to do my laundry more. I sweat hard core and I am not too proud of it (but can't really do anything about it). Initially I was a bit worried about this. How could I work out four times a week and have nothing to show besides the normal shapey body I've had for a few years. What if I am one of those guys that you always see at the gym. I'm already showing signs of loosing my hair, and I don't exactly have the accent of Bear Grylls to attract the ladies. Sure, I do have a girlfriend, and how she's stuck around for so long is probably thought of a blessing to those around me. It's only a matter of time before she realizes I'm going to be fat, bald, and what remaining hair is there will be red.

But I've come to realize something. It's not that bad of a thing that I'm not seeing the weight loss. For one, it's still only been one month. Secondly, I'm getting in shape. Just because I still lift the least when I'm in there (to my defense, it's usually lineman in the gym when I go) and for the first time in eight years, I've been able to run four miles. Next week I shoot for five miles.

So what does this mean? Well, I guess nothing. Except playing Bongo Belly before my shower can still happen. That could only mean good thing for my drumless lifestyle, but only bad things for those in earshot of my bathroom.

I know I said I would be posting on how to live in NY for 500 bucks a month, but that will have to wait until after this weekend, where I will be going to DC, MD, and SJ for a weekend of hot dogs, beer, and shenanigans.

Well, I guess thats where my weight loss problems stem from. Dah welp.


Thursday, July 26, 2007

Screw You Billy Penn

So I've been alive for a little bit over 22 years. I have never been apart of a Philadelphia sports championship era. They were all before me. And right when the Phillies give me some hope (especially when I'm living in Mets territory) Billy Penn has to rear his ugly face around our neck of the woods. Chase Utley, one of the best players in the league...broken hand...right when we're fighting for the playoffs...when we have no pitching and are relying on our bats. I will admit, this year's team is doing far beyond what I thought they were doing. Rowand is having a remarkable year. Rollins keeps building from his year before. Howard started off slow, but since he came back from the DL, he's been tearing the ball into shreds. And Utley, well he is leading the league in almost every offensive category. Beyond that, who do we have? Wes Helms? Rod Barahas? PAT BURREL?? We've been winning games with the front half of our line up and pretty much nothing else. Our pitching is either full of rookies or has beens (What the hell are you doing back here Mesa? Honestly, who thought up this grand scheme to bring him back?).

They are projecting Utley to be out from 3-6 weeks. Him being out 3-6 games is too many. I'm sorry to say, but without Utley, I do not think the Phillies can make that playoff run. Don't get me wrong, I will still root my ass off for them. I will be there for a number of the Phillies/Mets series at Shea (where Utley will hopefully be in the Lineup). But these games without him in the roster is going to hurt the team more than anyone realizes (and if you do realize, then god bless your soul).

Sorry for so many parentheses. And sorry for no entertaining posts. Though I'm not too sorry cause I doubt anyone really reads this. I am working on a post about the ways to survive the NY life on 500 bucks a month, so look soon for that. It should b e up within the next week.


Friday, July 6, 2007

Red's First Trip To The City

I am a Philadelphia kinda guy. Always have been (except for that period in my life when I liked the Dallas Cowboys just to spite my dad who liked the Eagles) and I always will be. I've only been to New York City one time and that was to see Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds at Radio City Music Hall. And even that trip I would consider me going to the city because I got out of the train station, got into a cab and went into the venue. But with the 4th of July cutting up my first work week and me only remember my new roomates names and vaguely remembering faces around the office, I headed to New York City for the first time to hang out with a familiar face.

Regardless if you do not know Lizz, or kinda know who she is but never really gotten to know her, or flat out detest her, one thing is for certain: if you read this blog, you will most likely get to know her. We have been good friends since senior year of high school, are both poor in the pockets and are going to school relatively close to the city. So the future episodes of "The Follies and Mistrials of Mike and Lizz in the City" are sure to come. Anyway:

I hopped on the ferry to the City and attempted not to stand out, even though I have light red hair and was carrying a huge back pack with all my clothes and what nots. My fears of trying not being able to figure my way around the subway system were lowered when I realized one thing: I am not the only one here in foreign territory. Right when I stepped onto what I thought was my train, I hopped right behind a group of Chinese (or Japanese or Korean) girls who were giggling and taking pictures. It was the perfect decoy to open up my huge map of directions and figure out where I was going without being marked. Success number 1.

Authors Note: These stories aren't exactly going to go linearly, but just in the way that are pleasing to the audience. I will not make stuff up, may embellish a bit of things to give me more super-human-like qualities, but that is about it. Example: this trip is over two days. For everyone's sake, I'm making it into one.

When I met Lizz, the plan was simple. Basically we had a loose idea of stuff we wanted to get done and did not really care how it got done.

Destination 1: Coney Island.

This contest was made for Joe Schmoes like me. Just a bunch of guys (and one gal) eating as many hot dogs as possible as a bunch of drunk people shout and cheer at 12 in the afternoon. We didn't get there in time to get a good view, but what we did see were hippies, and in all varieties. I'm not a big fan of global warming (at least not the discussion or debate of it) and I am indeed a fan of hippies. Their lifestyle just intrigues me of never really caring about anything and walking to and fro at leisure. But come on guys. Don't be hating no a bunch of hotdog heroes. One such hippie held up a sign and randomly yelling at people coming out with tasty dogs that they are going to die from eating hot dogs. There is really only two scenarios I can see from one really dieing from a hot dog. 1. Man chokes on hot dog. 2. Man falls in hot dog processor. Both scenarios could happen with one of those disgusting tofu dogs. A hot dog doesn't kill a guy, it's the fat ass who doesn't also eat other stuff and exercise every once in awhile. And even so, my old man eats hot dogs all the time and claims to work out, and he seems healthy enough. He's 53 and still plays baseball. Obviously hot dogs can't do much harm.

But besides all the hippism, the contest was a great success. America took it's crown away from Japan and people got hammered. Great way to start off the 4th.

Destination 2: Bathroom
Why? Cause I had to go

Originally we were going to head to Times Square because I've never been there, but I really had to go. Real bad. But this lead to our ultimate destination.

Destination 3: Drunksville
Why? Why Not?

Neither of us had to drive and we had the day off. Add that to the fact that there are tons of bars in Manhattan that we've never been to. We didn't actually get drunk due to money reasons and other factors (all the bars had either the Mets or Yankees game) but we did ultimately go through with our plan to just see a bunch of dudes and dudette eat a bunch of dogs and walk around and go to bars.

In future postings, I will try to entertain you more if this did not. I will start calling people out on their flaws and generally just start making fun of stuff. But I'm at work and about to get picked up because we smashed my car (remember that?) so I have no means of transportation off this Island.

Look for future posts about:
The difference between the great city of Dublin vs. silly ol' New York (This'll be a goodin')
The Great Snore
Weekend at the Mount (Septemberish)
and something to do with school, since I haven't started yet, I don’t' really have an idea what the post will be about.

Until then, it's graduation party time.


Thursday, July 5, 2007

Red Heads Bring It All Together

So I used to do an E-mail list, but considering I am horrible at organizing and can never keep the E-mail list together, I just decided to start this blog to randomly write about the triles and tribulations that I go through day in and day out as a Phillies Phan in Mets territory for the next two years.

I plan on posting twice a week, hopefully.
